PhoneClean: Fast Cleanup of Junk in iOS

15.04.2021 Programs

On the PhoneClean I stumbled on quite by accident - but not in vain. The program promised to free up space on iOS devices without jailbreak. Initially, I was extremely skeptical about this: iOS is not some kind of Windows or OS X, where "junk" files can easily remain in the system after uninstalling programs. The result of scanning the device slightly exceeded expectations. Very little.

PhoneClean is completely free and available for Mac and PC. The desired version can be grabbed on the official website, but if you are too lazy to wave your mouse, take it:

Even a child can figure it out. Connect your device to your computer, run PhoneClean and click Start Scan. Optionally, you can disable one or more cleaning items:

  • Temporary files and "garbage"
  • Application cache
  • Cookies and scripts saved in Safari
  • Data left over from a failed iTunes sync
  • I did not take risks and turned off the third point: in desktop browsers, logins / passwords are erased during such operations. I have a memory for them. not really, and a couple of tens of kilobytes freed up after such cleaning would not have done the weather.

    For a while, PhoneClean will think while collecting data. The program will take the most time to scan installed applications. The scan result is given in megabytes, which will be freed after cleaning. I almost never use an iPhone, so there is only 11 megabytes of cache and other nonsense there.

    But on the main "workhorse" - iPad mini - it has already accumulated 378 megabytes futilities. For a 16 GB device, this is significant. To initiate cleaning, click Clean Up - and that's it.

    The post-operation check did not reveal the loss of important data in applications and the system. All saves are in place. I don’t know what was removed, but obviously I won’t miss it. And three hundred megabytes is better to let some game take, not garbage. [phoneclean]

    website I stumbled upon PhoneClean quite by accident - but for good reason. The program promised to free up space on iOS devices without jailbreak. Initially, I was extremely skeptical about this: iOS is not some kind of Windows or OS X, where "junk" files can easily remain in the system after uninstalling programs. The result of scanning the device slightly exceeded expectations. Very little. PhoneClean is absolutely free...